Daily Archives: March 20, 2021

Eyebrow Embroidery post-care

If you are like most women in Singapore, you know that having a fuller eyebrow can improve your looks. If you aren’t among the lucky few blessed with a full eyebrow, you may have opted for an eyebrow embroidery procedure.

After the procedure, you are likely going to see some swellings and redness in the area. Don’t fret when this happens, as the redness and swelling will naturally disappear the next day.

To ensure that the result of the procedure lasts as long as possible, there are some practical things you must do days, weeks, and even months after the procedure.

In this article, we are going to be taking a close look at some of them.

What to avoid during the first seven days after the procedure

Do not apply lotion, water, makeup, and soap to the area.

When taking your bath, carefully wash around your eyebrow. Be careful when doing this so that water and soap won’t enter the treated area.

During the first seven days after the procedure, the affected area is going to appear flaked. Do your best to resist the urge to pull off the scabs or scratch the area, as it may result in scarring or an uneven result.

Four days after the treatment, use your hand to apply post-care ointment on the treated area. Make sure you clean your hands before applying the ointment. To ensure that traces of dirt from your hand don’t enter the treated area, use a cotton swab.

Apply the ointment sparingly twice daily (morning and night). Note that over-applying the ointment on the treated area will not speed up the healing process and help you get a better result.

Activities to avoid during the first 14 days after the procedure

  • Swimming
  • Touching the treated area
  • Over drinking alcohol (Alcohol can slow down the healing process)
  • Driving motorcycles, convertibles, boats, and open-air vehicles
  • Picking and scratching your eyebrow
  • Using chemical peels and creams that contain Glycolic acid and Retin-A
  • Exposing your face to direct sunlight (This can cause premature fading)
  • Hot bath
  • Intense household cleaning (Cleaning areas like your basement or garage where there is a lot of dirt and dust)
  • Intense exercise

If the treated area isn’t healing properly, you should visit the center where you got the treatment done.

Contact your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms days or weeks after the procedure.

  • High body temperature
  • Green, yellow, or red discharge from the procedure site
  • Swelling
  • Intense redness and tenderness of the site
  • Fever

How long will it take for the treated area to heal?

The time it takes for the treated area to heal depends on factors like the regeneration rate of your body and your age. On average, it may take between 4-6 weeks for the procedure site to heal totally.

Can I start applying SPF?

Only apply SPF 30 or SPF 50 when you are sure that the treated area is totally healed.

Final note

Note that it may take up to a month for allthe redness to vanish and for your eyebrow to heal totally. To get the best result, you have to ensure that you follow the post-care instructions discussed in this article to the letter.

If you aren’t satisfiedwith the results, you should ask the technician for a touch-up or adjustment.